Skydivers Safety Check List
Packing, maintenance & checks
- Lines straight with no twists
- All lines Centred
- Brakes properly stowed
- Slider against the stops & in correct position
- Line stows proper length
- Stow bands correct size & condition, all the same
- Correct line length between risers & bag as recommended by container manufacturer
- Closing loop proper length and in good condition
- Pilot chute bridle routed correctly
- Pilot chute cocked
- Pilot chute folded and stowed as per owner's manual
Harness / container checks
- No broken or frayed stitching & fabric
- Velcro in good condition
- Tuck tabs in good condition
- Clean release cables
- Un-frayed closing loops
- Pilot chute pouch (elastic tight, spandex in good condition)
- Ripcord secure (velcro)
- Puds secure
- All Safety Directives complied with
Main parachute checks
- Pilot chute handle (secure)
- No rips or tears (pilot chute)
- Pin secure (on bridle)
- Cocking cord in good shape (collapseable pilot chute)
- Bag grommets secure and undamaged
- Bridle attachment point secure
- No rips, tears or broken stitching (canopy)
- No broken stitching or damage (all lines)
- Slider grommets not worn, broken or unseated
- Slider material in good shape
- Slider clear of line burns and broken stitching
- Connecter links & bumpers in good condition
- Soft links not worn - correctly assembled
Steering System Checks
- Toggles secure (knotted or finger trapped)
- Velcro in good condition (if used)
- Keeper ring not corroded
- Wear on stitching and fabric
- Excess line keepers secure (elastic or fabric)
Pre-Boarding Gear Checks
3 - Ring System
- Only one ring through another
- Riser loop through smallest ring only
- Loop in good condition
- Loop through riser, then through grommet on housing
- Cables through housing & loop - stowed in channel
- No corrosion on rings
- 3 Rings rotate freely
- No twists in webbing
- Correctly routed webbing through hardware
- Snaps correctly closed
- Excess webbing retained in keepers
- Handles secure
- Hardware free from corrosion
- Webbing not concave through wear
- Wear indicator not broken
- Closing loop in good shape
- Reserve pin in correct position
- Seal in place (if fitted) Seal at top of pin clear of grommet
- Ripcord cable free in housing
- RSL attached and routed correctly if fitted
- AAD turned on
- Packing card in date
- Wear indicator not broken
- Closing loop in good shape
- Pin seated correctly
- Pilot chute secure
- Handle accessible
- Bridle routed correctly
- Pilot chute cocked (check window)
- Altimeter set to zero
- Audible altimeter turned on
- Goggles in place (unbroken)
- Gloves (if worn)
- Headware
- AAD on
- Approach aircraft from behind
- Don equipment and get checks prior to boarding
- Protect handles when boarding
- Protect handles when others board
- Board in opposite order of exit
- Don headgear and fasten strap
- Use restraints if available
Aircraft Emergencies
- Follow the pilots instructions
- Don't panic
- Don headgear
- Don't move around unless pilot instructs you to do so
- If landing, ensure restraints are securely fastened
- Assume crash position
- Once landed, move away from aircraft if able
The Exit
- Plan the spot and exit order prior to boarding aircraft
- If in groups, exit aircraft so all can make it to the dropzone
- Leave adequate separation between groups
Freefall, Deployment & Canopy Control
- Plan break-off prior to boarding aircraft
- If circumstances dictate, add to break-off altitude
- At break-off, turn and track from the centre of the formation
- If below formation, track when others do
- Track in a straight line
- Wave off and check above before throwing pilot chute
- Look for others close by during deployment
- Place hands on rear risers during deployment
- Once open, check for other canopies
- If any conflict arises, steer with rear risers
- If head-on collision imminent, steer right
Under Canopy
- On inflation, use rear risers to steer clear of canopies
- Once open & clear of traffic, do a control check
- Collapse slider and release brakes
- Look before turning
- Don't spiral down through other canopies
- Lower canopies have right of way
- Follow landing pattern
On Landing
- Avoid obstacles on the ground, fixed or moving
- Ensure lots of free space in front of where you want to land
- Keep an eye on the right and left for converging canopies for the entire landing
Total Malfunctions
- Arch
- Look at cut away handle
- Reach for cut away handle
- Look at reserve ripcord handle
- Pull cut away handle while still looking at reserve ripcord handle
- Reach for reserve ripcord handle
- Pull reserve ripcord handle (clear cable housing)
- Check canopy
Partial Malfunctions
- Arch
- Look at cut away handle
- Reach for cut away handle
- Look at reserve ripcord handle
- Reach for reserve ripcord handle
- Pull cut away handle while still looking at reserve ripcord handle
- Pull reserve ripcord handle (clear cable housing)
- Check canopy
2 Canopies Out
- Downplane or side-by-side, release main canopy
- Biplane -- steer with dominant canopy in front -- don't release brakes on other canopy
- If entangled, try to clear & control
- Don't flare if landing two canopies
- Do a PLF
Canopy Collisions
- If collision unavoidable, try to avoid body contact
- Spread arms and legs to avoid going between lines
- Protect handles
- Consider using hook knife, if accessible
- Communicate with other jumper before cutting lines or activating release system