General Info
Temporary Parachute Certificates are for experienced parachutists who intend to jump with NZPIA for a short time. Holders of acceptable non-NZPIA licences are eligible (if your licence meets the FAI certificate of proficiency standards, it will most likely be acceptable to NZPIA).
- Valid for 90 days from date of issue
- A, B, C, & D endorsements available, subject to eligibility criteria
- Low cost
- In most cases issued instantly online
- Not eligible for ratings (instructor, tandem master, etc.)
You can apply for the certificate at most NZPIA-affiliated drop zones (please ring them first to make sure). All parachutists must comply with the NZPIA’s operational procedures and standards when jumping at NZPIA-affiliated drop zones. A copy of the Documents, Standards and Procedures Manual is available at al NZPIA-affiliated drop zones.
Full Parachute Certificates
For information on non-terminating NZPIA certificates, please go to the Parachute Certificate Options page
Visitor Parachutist Certificate Requirements
The online application is divided into 4 Parts:
- General Information and ID verification
- Jump history and logbook verification
- Fit and Proper Person Form
- Issue of Certificate
Important Note!
In order to apply for the certificate you will need to have an NZPIA Authorised Person with you. Some of the information on your application will need to be verified by the Authorised Person before the application can be submitted.
Before stating the application, make sure you have the following:
- An NZPIA Authorised Person present to validate the information you will be supplying
- A licence/certificate from a recognised parachute organisation, and approval from the DZ Operator to apply for an NZPIA Temporary Parachutist Certificate
- Your logbook showing your jump numbers and the date of your last jump
- Some ID
- A reliable internet connection
The online application will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
Visitor Parachute Certificate
ApplicationYou will need a licence/certificate from a recognised parachute organisation and approval from the DZ Operator to apply for NZPIA Visitor Parachutist Certificate
You must login in order to purchase this exam.
For information on non-terminating NZPIA certificates, please go to the Parachute Certificate Options page