Drop Pilot Initial Issue

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General Info

The NZPIA Drop Pilot Course meets the requirements of NZCAR 61.651 (a)(3). Once a pilot has enrolled in the course they will have continued access to the online system and study material that can be used to meet the requirements of other sections of Civil Aviation Rules such as Part 115.

The course consists of theory, oral and practical sections. Upon passing the online exam and all relevant sections of the course to your evaluator’s satisfaction, you will receive electronic notification of your results. You can then have your log book endorsed as required by NZCAR 61.653.

The NZPIA will not issue you a rating card for your drop rating, however you may apply to the CAA to have it endorsed on your Part 61 Pilot licence in accordance with NZCAR 61.653(b).

Exam Detail
This exam purchase is valid for an unlimited number of attempts. As you advance through the exam.

Once you have passed this exam, you must submit the online application within 12 months (for initial issue). If you do not submit an application you will not receive the rating.

When taken as an annual proficiency exam, results are valid for 365 days.

Number of questions: 30. Pass Mark: 70%

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