Annual Affiliation Fees
Select the appropriate membership option below to either sign up to the website or pay your annual fee. Your payment will be confirmed by e-mail and will show on your Account page. Drop Zone operators will also be able to verify your payment and which participation category you are in.
Please read the notes below before proceeding.
- If you are a tandem passenger or visiting the NZPIA on a Temporary Certificate, you do NOT have to pay affiliation fees.
- Payment of the fee does NOT entitle you to jump under the NZPIA. You must also have a valid NZPIA qualification.
- Payment of the fee does NOT renew or revalidate expired or lapsed certificates or ratings. If you have an expired or lapsed NZPIA document, see an instructor or examiner to revalidate it.
- If you are in more than one category, e.g. a Tandem Master who is also a sport jumper, you only pay one affiliation fee (whichever is the higher one).
- If you “upskill” mid-year, e.g. pay the recreational fee then gain a rating later, you don’t have to pay another affiliation fee for the remainder of that year. You will be upgraded to the higher fee category automatically.
- Fees paid in September will cover participation through October of the following year.
- Partial fees will be calculated for participants who affiliate to the NZPIA partway through the year, e.g. join in April, pay for only half a year.
Commercial Tandem Master 2025
For Hire & Reward TMs, Tandem IEs & Assessors
Pilot Participant 2025
For Hire & Reward TMs, Tandem IEs & Assessors
Select this if you are one of the following:
- Drop Pilot and active skydiver
- Drop Pilot Assessor (NZPIA appointment) and active skydiver
Professional Participants 2025
For Camera Flyers (for commercial tandems);
Jumpmasters, Instructors, Instructor Assessors;
PTs who are also active skydivers
If you are also a recreational skydiver, your fee covers that too.
If you are also a Commercial Tandem Master, you should pay the Commercial fee instead, which will include all your activities.
Non-Skydiving Pilots 2025
For Drop Pilots & Assessors who are not active skydivers
If you are also a Commercial Tandem Master, you should pay the Commercial fee instead, which will include all your activities.
Non-Skydiving Professionals 2025
For PTs who are not active skydivers
If you are also a skydiver but not a Commercial Tandem Master, you should pay the Professional Participant fee instead, which will include your PT and/or pilot activities.
If you are also a Commercial Tandem Master, you should pay the Commercial fee instead, which will include all your activities.
Recreational Participants 2025
For Sport/Recreational Jumpers only
If you participate in other forms of parachuting activity, you should pay the Commercial fee or the Professional Participant fee instead. You only have to pay one affiliation fee.
Visiting Jumper
You need to register as a user to access the Visitor Certificate Application form. Registration is free, but the application costs $95 and a temporary certificate is valid for 90 days.
Adding A, B, C or D Endorsement to an existing certificate has no affect on Affiliation fees.
For more information on affiliation, please go to the affiliation rules page.