Tandem Master Instructor Examiner (IE)

Home » Exams & Applications » Tandem Master Instructor Examiner (IE)

Important Information

This exam is for experienced NZPIA Tandem Masters wishing to administer proficiency checks and tandem equipment type conversions. This exam is NOT for candidates wishing to carry out initial tandem master certification.

Each exam purchase is valid for ONE attempt only. As you advance through the exam, DO NOT try to go back to previous questions–this will result in an automatic Fail.

Once you have passed this exam, you must submit a Tandem IE Certificate application within 12 months. Application forms can be downloaded from the All Docs & Forms section of this website.


Tandem Master IE Requirements

Please refer to the latest revision of the NZPIA Documents, Standards and Procedures Manual” for general information and pre-requisites for this rating.

The manual is available to download from the All Docs and Forms page (logged in members and operators only).

Number of questions: 25. Pass Mark: 70%

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